Department of Commerce |
Sr. No. |
Name of Teacher |
Qualification |
Designation |
1 |
M.Com., M.Phil., B.Ed.Ph.D |
Assistant Professor** |
2 |
3 |
* Part time lecturer
**Guest Faculty lecturer
*** Contractual Lecturer
Course offered: B.com 1 Regular NEP
B.com 2 Regular
B.com 3 Regular
Learning ResourcesClassroom Teaching
Classroom Seminar
Group Discussion
Extension Lectures
Departmental LibraryDepartmental Library is stocked with 150 books donated by the staff.
1. Extetension lecture held on session 2019-2020: Seminar was organized under the guidance of principle Dr. Parminder singh ji. This lecture was given by Prof. Ashwani Bhalla ji from SD Govt. College Ludhiana (commerce department) on the topic etiquette and professionalism.
2. Webinar held in session 2020-2021: Organized in June under the supervision of Principal Sukhbir Singh by online mode from Bombay speakers of national stock exchange Mumbai on topic share capital debentures and bonus.
3. Session 2022-23: under the guidance of Principal Sukhbir Singh, organized a Kasoli trip by commerce department for the b.com students.
Contact us: Mona Garg:- 9872803530